Thursday, August 22, 2013

The First Step is the Hardest

So, I guess I have a blog.

Haven't had one of those in a really long time. I got started on Livejournal, because I made some really cool friends, but came to realize it wasn't quite my scene. Nothing against spinster women who love their cats so hard, but there's just not a lot of conversation to be had there for a guy.

Not for me, anyway.

I told myself I'd never really come back to it. I had too much to do in terms of the important things. You know. The Next Great American Novel and all that. All writers are obligated to write the Next Great Something. Write it, but never finish it. That's what makes us fun to talk to at parties.

The thing is, though, that when the deadline was passed to me, it was passed to me along with mandatory waiting times. And so, I find myself now with extra time. Obviously, I can't not write. I gotta do something to keep my hands moving, but I've got so many created things that I haven't really done anything with, and that's got to change. Making more stories is a shitty move when I've got stories in the pipe that need to be submitted.

So, here I am. Writing about not writing and turning to writing to keep from writing.

You probably wonder why I named this blog The Fit Writer. We have established that I am a writer, or at the very least that I have some words that I can't say any other way. So where do I get off saying that I'm fit?

Fit for what? What does fit mean?

Well, for me, it's the physical journey. I want to grow in my strength and general capability. Because strong people are generally more capable, and sexy as hell. I want that.

Am I there yet?

Well, once upon a time, I couldn't do push ups. I couldn't do pull ups. I couldn't run a mile. I can do those things now, but getting there has shown me so much more that's out there that I want to do.

They say that, if you're a male, your best strength days are when you're in your early 20s, and it's all downhill from there.

I will make them choke on those words, and I mean to share that journey with you. And maybe turn a phrase or two along the way.

So. Here I go.

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